quarta-feira, 26 de fevereiro de 2014

Instituto americano mede estatísticas preocupantes sobre casamento

The Fourth Annual Index of Family Belonging and Rejection 

Apenas 46% dos americanos entre 15 e 17 anos foram criados por ambos os pais biológicos casados desde seu nascimento.

"Regionally, the Northeast (50 percent) has the highest Family Belonging Index and the South (42 percent) has the lowest.
Utah (57 percent), Minnesota (56 percent), and Nebraska (55 percent) have the highest Family Belonging Indices of all the states.
The District of Columbia (17 percent), Mississippi (32 percent), and Louisiana (36 percent) have the lowest Family Belonging Indices of all the states.
Family belonging is strongest among Asians (65 percent) and weakest among Blacks (17 percent)."

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